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  1. How to modify this in the function header hook?
  2. Not work
  3. IDA Code: loc_A1AAC0 ; CODE XREF: Labyrinth$$EnterBattleZone+2C9C↑j il2cpp:00A1AAC0 BB 30 D0 E5 LDRB R3, [R0,#0xBB] il2cpp:00A1AAC4 02 00 13 E3 TST R3, #2 il2cpp:00A1AAC8 08 00 00 0A BEQ loc_A1AAF0 il2cpp:00A1AACC 74 30 90 E5 LDR R3, [R0,#0x74] il2cpp:00A1AAD0 00 00 53 E3 CMP R3, #0 il2cpp:00A1AAD4 05 00 00 1A BNE loc_A1AAF0 il2cpp:00A1AAD8 8E 15 F8 EB BL il2cpp_runtime_class_init il2cpp:00A1AADC 34 08 9F E5 LDR R0, =(off_4840C38 - 0xA1AAE8) il2cpp:00A1AAE0 00 00 9F E7 LDR R0, [PC,R0] ; off_4840C38 ; RestoreGameplay_TypeInfo il2cpp:00A1AAE4 00 00 90 E5 LDR R0, [R0] ; RestoreGameplay_TypeInfo il2cpp:00A1AAE8 5C 10 90 E5 LDR R1, [R0,#0x5C] ; method il2cpp:00A1AAEC 1C 20 91 E5 LDR R2, [R1,#28] il2cpp:00A1AAF0 il2cpp:00A1AAF0 loc_A1AAF0 ; CODE XREF: Labyrinth$$EnterBattleZone+2D44↑j il2cpp:00A1AAF0 ; Labyrinth$$EnterBattleZone+2D50↑j il2cpp:00A1AAF0 01 00 52 E3 CMP R2, #1 il2cpp:00A1AAF4 02 00 00 1A BNE loc_A1AB04 il2cpp:00A1AAF8 04 00 9D E5 LDR R0, [SP,#0x28+var_24] ; this il2cpp:00A1AAFC 9C 1E 00 EB BL Labyrinth$$Victory il2cpp:00A1AB00 4E 01 00 EA B loc_A1B040 I want hook 0xA1AAF0 CMP return true. My MSHOOK Code: void (*old_Victory)(bool); void Labyrinth$$Victory(bool value) { value = true; return (*old_Victory)(value); } MSHookFunction((void *) getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, string2Offset(OBFUSCATE_KEY("0xA1AAF0", '?'))), (void *) Labyrinth$$Victory, (void **) &old_Victory); But it will crash. How to fix?
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