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Ninjas angel

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    iPhone X
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  • Jailbroken

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  1. Name of the app you want hacked: Webnovel-Fictons & comics Version of the app: (latest) 3.4.0 iTunes Link for the app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/webnovel-fictions-comics/id1234939196?mt=8 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: non-jailbroken Requested Features: Free membership(cost 25 bucks a month) Spirtstone hack
  2. Do you have a cydia repo? If so can u send it to me thx ^_^

  3. This work for us router or nah?
  4. I don't know if I just messed up but the Cyida repo you gave me just lead me to locallapstore which I already have wtf did I just mess up?
  5. You mind making a list of all the popular games it cracks I understand making a list for each and every app would be long but a 25 to 100 app list would be much appreacited good work btw ????????????
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