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    iPhone 6s Plus

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  1. duh i'm using an ios device geez
  2. I already had tried this a lot of times. Is it because I'm using iBackupBot? I also contacted those people who commented here that it works on their phone (iPhone 4s) but they won't reply to me Please help me Also about the tutorial part, is it only to the Prosperidad part? Wherein I need to kill two bandits. Should I also do the Williamson Ranch put out the fire quest? How about the Snake Oil Stew quest, should I do it?
  3. It did not work. The first time I open the app, it exits immediately. The second time I open the app, it got stuck on the loading screen without the main menu. The third time I open the app, it reset my game (back to level 1, needs to do the tutorial, 0 coins and 0 stars). Why should I do?
  4. How do you people make this work?
  5. Do I need to do the prosperidad part of the tutorial? Wherein I need to shoot the water station to put out the fire. Can someone tell me the instructions in detailed explanation? To what part of tutorial should I finish? I'm on version 2.9.0. I already finished the tutorial until I saw a textbox "You completed the tutorial." I also finished the prosperidad fire mission after the textbox and also the snake oil stew mission. But still none. Help me please
  6. After I put the save game, the game got stuck on the loading screen before the main menu. I can only hear sounds but it doesn't proceed to the main menu.
  7. how does this work? it's not working wait, should i replace all the files in documents folder?
  8. I finished the tutorial and still none.
  9. i think something is wrong with the save game. i restore it to the app but when i open six guns, it just crashes.
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