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  1. Noob call that the "characters code" I assume you know what to do with. In the correct term its simply an FName which mean a indexed string (from this index) you retrieve the asset string. 70983 (Raiden_I2) Injustice  For instance the index of this asset string is 70983 and the value is Raiden_I2 which is the identifier within the characters library. For non programmer people you might use memory edit and search for those index (like swaping cards etc...). I hope you now understand what it is
  2. By the way you need to reverse a bit unreal engine to call in-game function to add stuff like equipment, souls etc... Fun fact that you guys still doesn't know that using In-App flag your save, you will be banned later or have disabled online feature, Off course not everyone know how to call game function from a Physical phone connected by USB while it's not that hard, and you have an excellent framework made for, still you need to reverse unreal engine and know how it work to pass the argument, it took me 1 month to make an abusive admin toolkit for this game that allow me to add stuff or anything else by calling game function... So yeah keep using In-app hack such as lucky Patcher (if you are on android), each time you do that your save is flagged as "cheater", you can call game function and reset the flag though, Cya ! Ps: I'm not hacking this game anymore since month, cause i'm not interested anymore and i'm on android
  3. Actually i finished my parse of character, you understand that you waste your time with hex edit and stuff, while i simply call a function from my PC to do what you are doing in 3h lol. Better calling function than hex edit bro you will need to learn unreal engine if u want to, but back on the topic if you find your way is good then that's it =D. I didn't check your list but you have a TEST character called "Random" (bronze) and you have a "Random" Equipment card, don't know if u posted them didn't check your post.
  4. Hmm i was wroting a class with UnrealEngine to get more in deph of the FName (just for testing) I had wrote an experimental shit, this would have been a good way to inject the class inside the game but it's too hard and nearly impossible to do it since UnrealEngine 4 is different than UDK (2012) (UnrealEngine 3) so no f***ing way and to get an FName (the troll on this website that is saying character code... lol) it's too hard as hell. There is pointer everywhere between $r0 and $r1 on Android (Arm Register) it's pointing to TableIndex, and the best thing is FName::ToString() Omfg ! this is abusively hard it's pointing totaly everywhere between the FName table index and the targeted FString Constructor (to then point to the converted FString so for exemple 55895 FName would be converted as FString and then "Readable" as "Raiden_B_D" which is Raiden Klassic (Diamond). At my best I can debug the game and retrieve all the Character/Equipment FName index, So i did test and i'm able to instantly add character, set his level, or even change the fusionLevel with a simple command. Fun thing you can bypass Fusion level 7 i had my Raiden diamond fusion level XIII (Like the game ! lol), obviously after fusion level 7 you have stats +0 only the "icon" with the current fusion level change. Off course i did then call function to delete the character, you can bypass the ban fairly easly but i don't recommend starting the game with a modified APK (if on android) best way is always to modify the game on the fly, Netherrealm can enable check and if you start a modified game you may be instantly banned unlike the AntiBan helper class that is internal (like when you use unreleased cards). Here is a sample of what i was using for test on UnrealEngine 4 (no use for UDK which is very lame so my goal didn't goes far), the idea was to inject this inside the game library, manually call this function so in game this would print the character string by providing an FName, and you can also retrieve the FName index of a string for exemple passing Raiden_B_D would print in-game "55895", at the basic FName are all integer made from strings. void SearchFName(const char* String) { const char* Search = String; if(FName(Search, FNAME_Find) != NAME_None) { GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::Green, "Found"); } else { GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::Red, "Name not found !"); } } If you are interested i can spend my time and try out a bunch of FName to get all characters/equipment updated (You can also have the Localized debug equipment cards the card name is called "Random" with the "?" icon and you have 15% reduced stun lol. I believe ED Boon is trolling with that equipment online haha. Good Luck ! Edit: Okay found an easy way to extract all FName (characters / debug character / debug gear and gear items) will post a full android list soon (including boss). Edit 2: Found Quicker process to get all FName character index ! ♥ Git Gud
  5. So again another post for the troll that STILL call this f**king shit a CODE while it's an FName let me show you how it work. This is done from connecting the device (i'm on android) connected with USB debugging and debugger, so on this screenshot above the breakpoint is triggered when i did purchase Jax (Jax Silver Cards). So what happend here ? you can see that inside the $r1 register it's set to point to 0xdb50 which is an FName pointer that point to the FName Index => 56,144 whose CharacterType is "JaxBriggs_B0" . Off course setting that Index to "0" result in a no-character added and you can infinitely purchase nothing for fun while the money decrease, changing it to another correct Index will award another character, same goes for equipment and support cards, which all use FName. So now the question is, does the newbie people still LIFT with their code ??? lol.
  6. Hey just seen this website, for info i'm anti Apple/Info and all these shit devices i'm on android (cause fuk off apple). I will clearly tell you this HURT my eyes when i see GEAR CODES and all that kind of trash talk, What you are seeing is a pointer to a f**king FName !!! It's an UDK Game (Unreal Engine 3) FName are related to almost everything, with a simple function call (UFonction) you can add any Support Cards/Equipment cards in your inventory (max fusion) as well as setting the number of XP for your account and much more feature... It's funny to see how much people enjoy modifying Swrve.db (Actually i have all parameters of this database, decompiling the game reveal all) I'm using the original file since i can just call function (game function) and do whatever i want (AI Disable as well but it's retarded in faction wars, come on). I will give you guys a few hint: "Your said Character code" pointer to FName (you change a pointer to the index)... that's why you get another character wow....... "My Game keep crashing why !" You just destroyed your profile and if uploaded on NetherRealm cloud you will have a looping crash and you will be good to create a new account (this crash is resulting due to a BAD memory reading/access), For exemple you did a mistake and added a character that doesn't exist, your profile has allocated "x" bytes with "x" "pointer" to the FName Table+Index, in the end you added unusable information in your save (profile) and you corrupted it like a dummy, How can Unreal engine read a FName that doesn't exist ?! CRASH !. Well Well stick with changing HEX edit you will be banned everytime, you do better to use an hacking framework with USB debugging, hook function, and also you can use Cheat Engine connected on your USB device (android) and change OP code on the fly, this allow you to display in the shop all characters including debug character, and as well as the most weird "debug equipment card". So yeah, i think i said all, have fun dreaming on this website you will be always banned Cya lamer =DD.
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