Hello. Thanks for this amazing tool!
I have ipad pro 3rd gen 12.9 wifi only. I login to my apple id using Itunes, and Altserver. I installed 3 apps. I'm using a free developer account.
I want to install more apps, I have an iphone that I don't use. I logged in there using a different apple ID account, I then input that same ID into the program and press install. It sends me the 2FA confirmation to my iphone, I confirm it and it starts the installation.
The thing is, eventually I get an error saying I already used up the 3 apps per account allowed on my account. However, I'm trying to use a DIFFERENT apple ID account and not the one I'm logged in the IPAD with. Why am I receiving this error if in your program I put in a new apple ID(that didn't use any of the 3 apps yet)
Last question, If I decide to upgrade one of my accounts to developer, should I create a new account or upgrade the one I already own? I won't have any more 7 days / 3 apps limitation? I get to keep the apps as long as I pay for the account(100$ per year) ?
Thanks for taking the time to address my issues.