Thanks for reply
I solve the issue FINALLY with your method
but there is some functions don't start with STP Like this one :
ADRP X8, #selRef_ownsSubscription_@PAGE
LDR X1, [X8,#selRef_ownsSubscription_@PAGEOFF]
ADRP X2, #cfstr_Oneyearunlockv@PAGE ; "Unlock"
ADD X2, X2, #cfstr_Oneyearunlockv@PAGEOFF ; "Unlock"
B _objc_msgSend
And this one also :
SUB SP, SP, #0x140
STP X28, X27, [SP,#0x130+var_50]
STP X26, X25, [SP,#0x130+var_40]
STP X24, X23, [SP,#0x130+var_30]
STP X22, X21, [SP,#0x130+var_20]
STP X20, X19, [SP,#0x130+var_10]
STP X29, X30, [SP,#0x130+var_s0]
ADD X29, SP, #0x130
MOV X19, X0
ADRP X8, #___stack_chk_guard_ptr@PAGE
LDR X8, [X8,#___stack_chk_guard_ptr@PAGEOFF]
LDR X8, [X8]
ADRP X9, #cfstr_Oneyearunlockv@PAGE ; "OneYearUnlock"
ADD X9, X9, #cfstr_Oneyearunlockv@PAGEOFF ; "OneYearUnlock"
STUR X8, [X29,#var_58]
ADRP X8, #cfstr_Halfyearunlock@PAGE ; "HalfYearUnlock"
ADD X8, X8, #cfstr_Halfyearunlock@PAGEOFF ; "HalfYearUnlock"
ADRP X10, #cfstr_Monthlyunlockv@PAGE ; "MonthlyUnlock"
ADD X10, X10, #cfstr_Monthlyunlockv@PAGEOFF ; "MonthlyUnlock"
STP X9, X8, [X29,#var_70]
STUR X10, [X29,#var_60]
ADRP X8, #classRef_NSArray@PAGE
LDR X0, [X8,#classRef_NSArray@PAGEOFF] ; void *
ADRP X8, #selRef_arrayWithObjects_count_@PAGE
LDR X1, [X8,#selRef_arrayWithObjects_count_@PAGEOFF] ; char *
SUB X2, X29, #-var_70
MOV W3, #3
BL _objc_msgSend
MOV X29, X29
BL _objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
MOVI V0.16B, #0
STP Q0, Q0, [SP,#0x130+var_130]
STP Q0, Q0, [SP,#0x130+var_110]
BL _objc_retain
MOV X20, X0
ADRP X8, #selRef_countByEnumeratingWithState_objects_count_@PAGE
LDR X21, [X8,#selRef_countByEnumeratingWithState_objects_count_@PAGEOFF]
ADD X3, SP, #0x130+var_F0
MOV X1, X21 ; char *
MOV W4, #0x10
BL _objc_msgSend
CBZ X0, loc_1001631D0
What should i edit ?