This is my first post so take it easy on me.
Jailbroken iPhone
Plants vs Zombies 2
100 IQ
What plant do you want?
Go to the almanac and click on the plant that you want
Look at how many seeds you have (must have at least 10)
Go to iGameGod overlay in the PVZ2 app
Tap search and "exact value"
(edit: You can use memory browser if you are imputing the location)
Type in the amount of seeds you have
Click on the "*" and scroll down to make it "i8"
Look at the left side and you should see a bunch of numbers
You wanna look for "0x103a"
(edit: 0x103a is only for some plants. Not all plants start with 0x103a.)
Click the bottom left corner to open select mode
Select all of the ones that start with "0x103a"
(edit: Not all plants start with 0x103a. This was a mistake on my part. I went off of a pattern rather than actually knowing the location.)
Edit values
You can also search the packet you want with memory browser. You have to fill it out completely if you want to reach the page or the game will crash.
Here is a list of what I got so far. I will continue to edit this page
0x103a553c8 lightning reed
0x103a550d8 double sunflower
0x103a551f8 starfruit
0x103a55898 blastberry vine
0x103a55008 lillypad
0x103a55998 headbutter lettuce
0x103a55708 solar tomato
0x113342738 tumbleweed
0x107b96aa8 pokra
If you cannot Jailbreak your phone and you want stuff, email me and I will add stuff to your account free of charge (meaning you get stuff for free). To make it easy for me, register your account in the game, and send me the info so that I can login to your account and add stuff into it. Again, for 100% free.