I am getting this Error on Terminal after starting it. What am I doing wrong? Can somebody share their configurations? I am new to this.
2016-08-11 01:47:27,080 [ cli] [iNFO] PokemonGO Bot v1.0
2016-08-11 01:47:27,082 [ cli] [iNFO] No config argument specified, checking for /configs/config.json
configs/config.json:3:16: Error: Can not decode value starting with character u'\u201c'
| At line 3, column 16, offset 48
configs/config.json:3:43: Info: Recovering parsing after character u','
| At line 3, column 43, offset 75
configs/config.json:4:16: Error: Can not decode value starting with character u'\u201c'
| At line 4, column 16, offset 93
configs/config.json:4:27: Info: Recovering parsing after character u','
| At line 4, column 27, offset 104
configs/config.json:5:16: Error: Can not decode value starting with character u'\u201c'
| At line 5, column 16, offset 122
configs/config.json:5:25: Info: Recovering parsing after character u','
| At line 5, column 25, offset 131
configs/config.json:5:27: Warning: JSON does not allow identifiers to be used as strings: u'Central'
| At line 5, column 27, offset 133
configs/config.json:5:27: Error: Missing value for object property, expected ":"
| At line 5, column 27, offset 133
| Object started at line 1, column 0, offset 0 (AT-START)
configs/config.json:5:36: Error: Unknown identifier: u'ark'
| At line 5, column 36, offset 142
configs/config.json:5:39: Error: Can not decode value starting with character u'\u201d'
| At line 5, column 39, offset 145
configs/config.json:5:40: Info: Recovering parsing after character u','
| At line 5, column 40, offset 146
configs/config.json:5:40: Info: Recovering parsing after character u','
| At line 5, column 40, offset 146
configs/config.json:48:9: Error: Can not decode value starting with character u'/'
| At line 48, column 9, offset 1264
configs/config.json:49:6: Info: Recovering parsing after character u'\n'
| At line 49, column 6, offset 1332
configs/config.json:49:6: Info: Recovering parsing after character u'}'
| At line 49, column 6, offset 1332
configs/config.json:108:6: Warning: Object contains duplicate key: u'// Zubat'
| At line 108, column 6, offset 3045
| Object started at line 97, column 15, offset 2465
configs/config.json: has errors
2016-08-11 01:47:27,125 [ cli] [CRITICAL] Error with configuration file
Please help me. Thanks!