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    To help the community of iOS gods.

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  1. Do you have any tips for championship arena? I got detected and they kicked me down to worm. (Though I’m not concerned because I don’t really play it compared to solo raid).


    well any injustice 2 tips to avoid detection? I just wanna make sure I’m on top of everything since I’m a bit worried using the damage mod. I always keep the anti ban on.

    1. TRASHBOAT256


      Also in league raid, I did put up 300,000,000 damage but in a T8 raid. Just to be on the safe side of everything. I can definitely use your help!

    2. York0000


      Hey @TRASHBOAT256 I’m sorry it took me a minute to respond. I only recently figured out in solo raids and in league raids as long as you let the computer take out two of your team members before doing any damage to them you will be fine. I’ve done 370,000,000 so far in league raids in 10 to 20 seconds and no problems and over 1,000,000,000 in solo raids and still no problems as long as you let the computer take out two of your team members before you do any damage to them. And in champions arena it’s a little different I’m still have problems with that one I can be in the highest champions league and all of  sudden be back in the first league. I think because I have used low level players I’m still trying to figure that one out and I only use 6000 damage in champions arena no higher. So I hope this helped you out good luck buddy. If you need anything else just let me know I will try to help you out. 

    3. TRASHBOAT256


      Thank you! I been doing it right for sure. On solo/league mode, I always allow the computer to take out two out two of my characters and then I go in for the kill.


      championship arena, I’m just gonna leave that mess alone because it really doesn’t mean that much to me. And also, I notice I haven’t gotten anything from arena mode too. I keep my arena mode damage at 4K and my teammates can be alive and they won’t detect a thing.

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