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  1. google a "pgoapi" and download the file ... after that navigate to the folder and type "sudo python setup.py install" ... it'll install the pgoapi and u can run the bot
  2. try "sudo pip install googlemaps"
  3. replace the ' " ' in the file with some you manually typed in.
  4. Check your json with http://jsonlint.com/ ... it should be a valid json .. if not nothing can be decoded..
  5. also to you.. make sure you follow the instructions very carefully. You have to install the requirements.txt otherwise it wont work. If this does not solve your problem try to "sudo pip install pyyaml" over your terminal. This should solve the problem. If any other module is missing just repeat this method for the missing modules.
  6. have u installed the pgoapi ? .. u have to install the requirements.txt , if not there will be no pgoapi which is called in the pokecli.py
  7. The only time i received this error was because of a non valid json.. check if ur json is valid ... or if username and password really are correct.
  8. Sometimes the bot crashes and you have to the the process of restarting it (start server, bin/activate , install requirements and starting the bot) all over again. I wrote an shell script to safe the work for you. Just drag and drop the file into your pokemongo - bot folder where the "pokecli.py" lays and execute via the terminal with the command "./restart.sh" ... and there you go. Here the Download-Link: http://bit.ly/2ajwULb
  9. every issue due to the JSON - Object can be avoided when checking if the object u modified is a valid JSON. As mentioned there are some websites where u can check whether its valid or not. Often problems are located in the ' " ' . So check if those are right in place and if there "up" .. german textEdit programs tend to put them on the bottom of the string.. thats not valid with JSON.
  10. Maybe a bad Geoinformation was typed in ? Try something else in the location field of the config.json and watch out for spelling mistakes
  11. thanks mate, anyone worked out how to restart the script when it crashed automatically?
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