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Everything posted by youss

  1. still works fine for me, ran from lvl 1-25 without issues.. still going strong
  2. I agree, I'm just sharing this as I found it somewhere else. As I said before, please try this on another account.
  3. I'd suggest you try this on a new account, dont use your original until u know its safe. Been running this for like an hour now, and I'm level 18 with Dragonite, Snorlax, Porygon, Aero, Vapo, Jolt, Lapras, Gyardos, Rapidash, Arcanine and so on.
  4. Correct.. Remember the " and , afterwards.
  5. I personally think this is bullshit, as it is sniping all over the place. But I've tried creating a new account to try this out. Works fine, but I don't think its bansafe.
  6. I did not make this, I've tested it and it works perfectly fine. [Hidden Content]
  7. anybody else getting Pokestop out of range?
  8. fixed with the latest version, just redownload it.
  9. not the same script, that other one is a whole lot of work for something so simple
  10. I've been using it last night corenix, it worked like a charm. I woke up and it was still going after 8 hours.
  11. Is it working out for you guys?
  12. A lot of people are having issues with the other Auto restarter, so here is a simple one thats really easy to use. [Hidden Content] If you have any questions, please ask ahead.
  13. Just use this, worked for me. https://github.com/jabbink/PokemonGoBot/issues/843
  14. Everything here should be correct. Folder on desktop is called pokemonig
  15. have been running the bot for a week, config file is perfectly fine and called .properties and not .properties.txt
  16. Hmm? How do i fix this?
  17. How do i install this? Do i put it in the config file? What do I do? Someone most be able to help out here.
  18. just login on your phone, activate it and run bot.
  19. will this fix the (default: ProfileLoop): Error running loop ProfileLoop! ?
  20. Yes Just let it run for 5 minutes and it will get autobanned by it self. When it finds a pokestop and says +0 exp, It will keep trying to go for the same pokestop until it gets EXP from it, which happens after around 40 attempts. So around 3-5 minutes.
  21. works perfectly What settings do u guys use? how many meters a second? What places? Right now I'm on 5 meters a second in Central Park and I feel like its really slow.
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