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ViP Pro
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  1. Interesting. My game crashes when trying iGameGod. Anyway, make sure float tolerance is set to 1 and search for health. I can even change the max health as it is close to the value of real health It won’t come up exactly as 291 health if that’s what you’re searching. It shows up as 290.67 or something close
  2. I also can't bypass it with shadow or choicy. On Palera1n 16.5 IOS Ipad Pro
  3. How did you even get the game to run with iGameGod turned on. I can't even do that...
  4. I can change and modify health fine with igameGuardian. You should find 4 float32 values and change and lock them
  5. Someone try this: https://pdalife.com/tmnt-splintered-fate-ios-a47121.html and downloading it from here and seeing if it works
  6. Same problem with TMNT Splintered Fate. Opens fine without iGameGod. With it on it doesn’t work.
  7. Also it’s quite annoying as sometimes the game crashes and you have to do it over again every game crash or every reload of the game meaning every new level it reloads the game And last but not least. If you go outside of the app for too long it’ll also reload so you need to search then come back to game. Go back out search again. Do it fast so it doesn’t reload game
  8. Health hack works. I used imemeditor but you have to be quick otherwise the game reloads. I can’t get IGamegod to load with game so I have to go in and out to get to memory editor
  9. Teenage mutant ninja turtles splintered Fate 1.0.1
  10. Is it not possible to decrypt this IPA? I tried multiple different ways and everyone I gave it to couldn’t load the game. Also new 1.0.1 update came out
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