I only have the Simcash option (no population nor level) enabled. So far it looks like i can only trade with non-friends. I am unable to see the items in the depots from anyone in my friends list, and they don't see mine.
I tried replicating this with a fresh account. Completed the tutorial, got enough for the trade depot, then put something on (just some metal and nails). It was visible to friends. Then I installed the deb, applied the max simcash, triggered it. Now anything placed for trade in the depot does not show up to friends' cities, and again I can't see anything in their depots. I believe it's safe to say that the hack disables the friend trading option, but stranger trading still works fine.
It's not a big deal because I would never need anything else from them any more lol. It would however still be nice to be able to trade with friends.