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  1. I have hacked alot of games through filza or making changes in config.db and hacking iapp through iapp cracker. How can I merge it into ipa to make hack. Some are good quality games that arent available anyone. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cyborg101


      there is also plist editing software available for Mac and Windows as well. however, what I do is back up my device, connect it to my laptop and locate the plist file and edit with the program like that. It does require a bit more work but it also works depending on the game you are doing it for. 

    3. Theo


      @TurboLo I use filza to edit plist files. I was thinking if I can change ipa file to zip extract it make changes zip and then change the format back to ipa. Will it work? Also can you share a easy way to download any ipa from appstore ? Because some games ipa file isnt available anywhere to download. 

    4. Cyborg101


      I believe you can use Apple Configurator 2 to get the ipa from the app store. if you want, pm me and I can send you the link 


    5. Theo


      Thank you. Check your Inbox. 

    6. Cyborg101
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