So, if the game gets updated to version 5.1.2 a week before the monthly update, that means @DiDA shouldn't update this mod till next month's update? No. He should just update the hack EVERY time there's a new version. We didn't pay for this "V.I.P." service JUST to wait for the latest version. There's ALWAYS gonna be a latest version. If we wait ALL the time, we'll just be paying him to sit on his bum all day long.
Think about it: If you paid for the iPhone Upgrade Scheme and you got the iPhone 6s, last year, and the iPhone 7 came out a week ago, but you can't change it because, as the clerk says: "The iPhone 8 comes out in another week, just wait till then." Would YOU wait? No. Because who would? It's not what you paid for.
We paid for EVERY update, not every ALTERNATE update. Please, think about it before you side with EVERYTHING the moderator does. He's not God.
Plus, if you think the game is SO "easy", why're you even here, waiting for the mod? Just play legit then. Just curious.
Update: Rant wasn't for you, it was for @Tahje . Mis-quoted. Sorry.