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Posts posted by asd2221908

  1. 9 hours ago, LastAether said:

    yes in coop modes(raids) that you can start by yourself it is safe, would avoid clearing the difficult content such as omega raids too fast or using too low of a might team to get auto flagged/detected

    in raids your might should be close to 1/4th of the recommended (ex: 160,000 might recommend = own team might of 40,000)

    Thank you for all your assistance XD👍🏻

  2. 1 hour ago, LastAether said:

    Ideally yes, no mods on when using coop, however the hack has an issue with a side effect of godmode always being active making you immune to most buff/debuff effects which could be detected/reported by other players.

    In low difficulty coop content it should be low risk, but more difficult could be noticeable, thus it may only be safe to play coop with the hack uninstalled.

    thanks again

    but i mean

    Because in the coop mode, I play by myself offline, so other players will not notice the abnormality.

    did I get that right?


    mod can work in my 6s now,but i think the godmode is not working now . right?

    Because my character died


    Im not very good at English, please forgive

  3. 4 hours ago, LastAether said:

    Think the mod may have issues with older devices such as the 6s and doesn't work properly.

    You can use a bypass such as A-Bypass to still make the game work without the mod.


    I have also noticed the issues with the current mod with damage multiplier being broken and god mode crashing the game.

    btw thank you for your reply bro

  4. who can help me~~~~

    i am a fist time to ues the game mod

    successfully installs the deb file (i can find it in cydia) and the orginal game

    but the game can not run , cant skip the Jailbreak Detection

    Did i do something wrong?

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