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  • iDevice
    iPhone SE
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  • Jailbroken
  • Android Device
    LG Lancet
  • Android Version
    5.1.1 stock ROM
  • Rooted
  • Interests
    Love testing the newest hacks on my phones

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  1. Some people over on discord have been having the "32 bit device, phome not being detected" issue on Windows 10 machines. Can anyone test this process on a Windows 7 or 8.1 machine (making a second partition or using the second hard drive on a computer if you have the space)
  2. The hack has been updated. And not a moment to soon ?. Thank you!!??
  3. Another weather app that i will use for a long time. Thank you for tweaking it ?
  4. I tried this as well but I got stuck at first when I saw two affected rows, can't see them or anything. When I tried modifying the games coins and diamonds, I was able to do it but I want allow to but the diamonds at all. Now what?? I'm on an iPad air on iOS 9.3.3 and not very tech-savvy in the world on jailbreaking
  5. For some reason, I typed "delete from genp.....com.fingersoft.hillclimbracing2" within filza (ifile doesn't give me an option to change it that I know of). It says there are 2 affected rows but nothing comes up. I'm on an iPad air on iOS 9.3.3 jailbroken. EDIT: I tried to enter in the letters and numbers you gave me, suddenly I had 0affected rows. Maybe this was a glitch? After that was done, i finished the tutorial, went into the shop, followed the instructions completely, but when I turn wifi back on to buy something, it doesn't work. So I chose the app and now it wants me to update the app... I'm honestly confused how all of you got this to work
  6. I recently got banned from asphalt xtreme and I found a gameloft I ban program but it was only made for 64 bit devices. I did as instructed on your first post but it completely hidden the program from settings
  7. I don't think this will work with csr classics/racing. Strangely, on my brothers jailbrokwn iPhone SE on iOS 9.3.3, localiapstore works like a charm while say freedom for Android doesn't work. Strange
  8. I don't think mydevice supports Xposed framework. I have heard that if you put selinux to permissive that Xposed will be installed easily * LG Lancet VS820 Android 5.1.1 lollipop rooted with Kingroot *
  9. UPDATE: 9/21/16 Whenever I try and start my saved csr racing game, the game freezes halfway from loading the starting page so basically, this hack doesn't entirely work even though I did all of the instructions mentioned 3 times
  10. P.S. there is an option from within lucky patcher to allow you to install modded apks without removing the official app. Go to lucky patcher->toolbox->patch to android->there are 3 options highlighted in green. Click on those (you can't click on them all at once. You either have to click on the third option, reboot, then click the two other options and reboot or vise-versa) uncheck the "move to dalvik cache" button or else this trick will not work. I have a link to where I got this idea from when I looked at a tutorial on how to hack csr racing 2 v1.5.2 but I can't remember the link to the site. Pass this on and I hope this helps if the above doesn't work for you. You need to be rooted in order to do this
  11. Haven't seen a csr racing cheat in a long time. Last i remember there was a cheat for csr racing, it was for v 2.9.0 I hope this works
  12. This does not work with real racing 3 and csr classics/racing but these apps work with the jail broken version of localiapstore. My iPad Air is on iOS 9.3.2
  13. If you are jail broken, try and install firewallip from cydia. As soon as you launch into csr racing a lot of popups will appear saying that "csr racing is trying to communicate with the csr server". Tap the tabs "deny" "all". I haven't used firewall ip in a long time so I doubt this will help you. Basically this cydia tweak blocks every app you use from communicating to the Internet thereby not banning you if you do one of these hacks. Remember to backup your csr racing data before doing this I hope my post helps you guys
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