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Everything posted by Saucy707

  1. I am beginner and I am trying to hack the game Pocket Mortys, the game is like pokemon where IVs are randomly generated from 1-16. I want to hack this part of the game but I haven't been successful. I've loaded up the game into IDA and found the code for the function that generates these IV's, here it is MortyData$$GenerateIVs ; CODE XREF: MortyData$$.ctor:loc_2690A8↑p il2cpp:000000000026A9C4 ; DATA XREF: __data:000000000317E3B8↓o il2cpp:000000000026A9C4 il2cpp:000000000026A9C4 var_20 = -0x20 il2cpp:000000000026A9C4 var_10 = -0x10 il2cpp:000000000026A9C4 var_s0 = 0 il2cpp:000000000026A9C4 il2cpp:000000000026A9C4 STP X22, X21, [SP,#-0x10+var_20]! il2cpp:000000000026A9C8 STP X20, X19, [SP,#0x20+var_10] il2cpp:000000000026A9CC STP X29, X30, [SP,#0x20+var_s0] il2cpp:000000000026A9D0 ADD X29, SP, #0x20 il2cpp:000000000026A9D4 MOV X20, X2 il2cpp:000000000026A9D8 MOV X21, X1 il2cpp:000000000026A9DC MOV X19, X0 il2cpp:000000000026A9E0 ADRP X22, #byte_3357212@PAGE il2cpp:000000000026A9E4 LDRB W8, [X22,#byte_3357212@PAGEOFF] il2cpp:000000000026A9E8 TBNZ W8, #0, loc_26AA00 il2cpp:000000000026A9EC ADRL X0, StringLiteral_7959 ; MortyDefault il2cpp:000000000026A9F4 BL sub_25F7DF4 il2cpp:000000000026A9F8 MOV W8, #1 il2cpp:000000000026A9FC STRB W8, [X22,#byte_3357212@PAGEOFF] il2cpp:000000000026AA00 il2cpp:000000000026AA00 loc_26AA00 ; CODE XREF: MortyData$$GenerateIVs+24↑j il2cpp:000000000026AA00 LDR X0, [X19,#0x10] il2cpp:000000000026AA04 CBZ X0, loc_26AAA8 il2cpp:000000000026AA08 ADRL X8, StringLiteral_7959 ; MortyDefault il2cpp:000000000026AA10 LDR X1, [X8] ; MortyDefault il2cpp:000000000026AA14 MOV X2, #0 il2cpp:000000000026AA18 BL System.String$$Equals_17774564 il2cpp:000000000026AA1C CBZ W0, loc_26AA2C il2cpp:000000000026AA20 STP W20, W20, [X19,#0x54] il2cpp:000000000026AA24 MOV X8, X20 il2cpp:000000000026AA28 B loc_26AA90 il2cpp:000000000026AA2C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- il2cpp:000000000026AA2C il2cpp:000000000026AA2C loc_26AA2C ; CODE XREF: MortyData$$GenerateIVs+58↑j il2cpp:000000000026AA2C ADD W20, W20, #1 il2cpp:000000000026AA30 MOV X0, X21 il2cpp:000000000026AA34 MOV X1, X20 il2cpp:000000000026AA38 MOV X2, #0 il2cpp:000000000026AA3C BL UnityEngine.Random$$Range_16731460 il2cpp:000000000026AA40 STR W0, [X19,#0x54] il2cpp:000000000026AA44 MOV X0, X21 il2cpp:000000000026AA48 MOV X1, X20 il2cpp:000000000026AA4C MOV X2, #0 il2cpp:000000000026AA50 BL UnityEngine.Random$$Range_16731460 il2cpp:000000000026AA54 STR W0, [X19,#0x58] il2cpp:000000000026AA58 MOV X0, X21 il2cpp:000000000026AA5C MOV X1, X20 il2cpp:000000000026AA60 MOV X2, #0 il2cpp:000000000026AA64 BL UnityEngine.Random$$Range_16731460 il2cpp:000000000026AA68 MOV X20, X0 il2cpp:000000000026AA6C LDP W8, W9, [X19,#0x54] il2cpp:000000000026AA70 ADD W8, W8, W0 il2cpp:000000000026AA74 ADD W8, W8, W9 il2cpp:000000000026AA78 MOV W9, #0x55555556 il2cpp:000000000026AA80 SMULL X8, W8, W9 il2cpp:000000000026AA84 LSR X9, X8, #0x3F ; '?' il2cpp:000000000026AA88 LSR X8, X8, #0x20 ; ' ' il2cpp:000000000026AA8C ADD W8, W8, W9 il2cpp:000000000026AA90 il2cpp:000000000026AA90 loc_26AA90 ; CODE XREF: MortyData$$GenerateIVs+64↑j il2cpp:000000000026AA90 STR W20, [X19,#0x5C] il2cpp:000000000026AA94 STR W8, [X19,#0x50] il2cpp:000000000026AA98 LDP X29, X30, [SP,#0x20+var_s0] il2cpp:000000000026AA9C LDP X20, X19, [SP,#0x20+var_10] il2cpp:000000000026AAA0 LDP X22, X21, [SP+0x20+var_20],#0x30 il2cpp:000000000026AAA4 RET il2cpp:000000000026AAA8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- il2cpp:000000000026AAA8 il2cpp:000000000026AAA8 loc_26AAA8 ; CODE XREF: MortyData$$GenerateIVs+40↑j il2cpp:000000000026AAA8 BL sub_25F7F08 il2cpp:000000000026AAA8 ; End of function MortyData$$GenerateIVs I have tried the following: Changing the first two BL UnityEngine.Random$$Range_16731460 functions to MOV W0, #16 and the third one to MOV X0, #16. I have done this using IGG's LIve Offset Patcher, and replacing the binary file with the modified one, in both occasions my game instantly crashes or after I turn the patches on in IGG. After that didn't work I went to code for the function UnityEngine.Random$$Range_16731460, here it is il2cpp:0000000000FF4D44 UnityEngine.Random$$Range_16731460 ; CODE XREF: AssetBundleDefs$$AppendPathWithAntiCache+50↑p il2cpp:0000000000FF4D44 ; AudioController$$PlayRndSFX+EC↑p ... il2cpp:0000000000FF4D44 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D44 var_20 = -0x20 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D44 var_10 = -0x10 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D44 var_s0 = 0 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D44 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D44 STP X22, X21, [SP,#-0x10+var_20]! il2cpp:0000000000FF4D48 STP X20, X19, [SP,#0x20+var_10] il2cpp:0000000000FF4D4C STP X29, X30, [SP,#0x20+var_s0] il2cpp:0000000000FF4D50 ADD X29, SP, #0x20 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D54 MOV X19, X1 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D58 MOV X20, X0 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D5C ADRP X21, #qword_335E128@PAGE il2cpp:0000000000FF4D60 LDR X2, [X21,#qword_335E128@PAGEOFF] il2cpp:0000000000FF4D64 CBNZ X2, loc_FF4D7C il2cpp:0000000000FF4D68 ADRL X0, aUnityengineRan_0 ; "UnityEngine.Random::RandomRangeInt(Syst"... il2cpp:0000000000FF4D70 BL sub_25F7DAC il2cpp:0000000000FF4D74 MOV X2, X0 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D78 STR X0, [X21,#qword_335E128@PAGEOFF] il2cpp:0000000000FF4D7C il2cpp:0000000000FF4D7C loc_FF4D7C ; CODE XREF: UnityEngine.Random$$Range_16731460+20↑j il2cpp:0000000000FF4D7C MOV X0, X20 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D80 MOV X1, X19 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D84 LDP X29, X30, [SP,#0x20+var_s0] il2cpp:0000000000FF4D88 LDP X20, X19, [SP,#0x20+var_10] il2cpp:0000000000FF4D8C LDP X22, X21, [SP+0x20+var_20],#0x30 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D90 BR X2 il2cpp:0000000000FF4D90 ; End of function UnityEngine.Random$$Range_16731460 I really don't know what I can do to this function help me but here it is in case anyone has an idea. If anyone can help or if i'm doing something wrong please let me know!
  2. Nice to know
  3. Im looking for a windows 11 version do you have any idea where I can get one?
  4. If you still have the ida pro crack for windows I would greatly appreciate it!
  5. When i inject the Deb it gets detected by the app is there a way to bypass Tweak detectio? It’s not because it is sideloaded because I downloaded without the tweak and works fine but when I inject igg it gives me a jailbreak detection screen
  6. Is there any that work on jailed devices
  7. I also wish to see this game hacked! I have some simple ideas if anyone is able to do this. Since we are able to determine the future dice numbers with airplane mode, maybe the data for what the future numbers are stored within the game. If it is then can it be possible someone to find where it is that they are stored. This would eliminate the grueling process of deleting the game and going into airplane mode to find out what future numbers are. If it is all possible then someone could make a sort of menu that lists all the future numbers on screen. what I’m trying to say is, can there be an easier way to determine what the future dice rolls are going to be other than going into airplane mode?
  8. Name of the game you want hacked: Pokemon Unite Version of the game: iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pokémon-unite/id1512321575 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Non-Jailbroken Requested Features: any sort of hack
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