Hey, i have a problem with Ted2's mod menu.
I made a simple patch with two offsets using switch, like this:
//Offset switch with multiple patches
[switches addOffsetSwitch:NSSENCRYPT("GodMode")
description:NSSENCRYPT("Disables player's collision.")
offsets: {
bytes: {
Successfully compiled .deb, installed, and after running the game, and showing purple "Thank you, understood" popup menu, when i dismiss the menu, it just crashes. So basically it crashes when calling setupMenu() if i have understood it correctly. If i comment out above code (and leave some of Ted2's examples uncommented), it works and shows the menu button normally, without crashing. I'm using Tweak.xm template that comes with mod menu, the only thing that's changed basically is the above code. What am i doing wrong here?