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  1. @PuddinCould this get some love whenever you’re able to? Thanks.
  2. It’s been over a month. Figured it was abandoned.
  3. Is there another modder available to update this with puddin being away? Game went global release and it’d be nice to update. Thank you! @Laxus @AlyssaX64
  4. @AlyssaX64Could you update when you’re able? Thank you!
  5. This game is giving me PTSD of Dawn of Ages with all its updates.
  6. I think because the mod needs a fix it’s going to take more time. @Puddin mentioned that he had time to update mods but not fix any. Said maybe this weekend. Been waiting a while but just be patient.
  7. Any chance of IGG getting a save option for the touch recorder?
  8. I’m pretty sure this causes ban with any use. I played a week without any issues I loaded the mod for 12 hours with only 2x damage and banned. have you managed to not get banned?
  9. Anyone else having crashes when opening the game with the new mod?
  10. @PuddinYou going to have time to take a look at this before you get consumed in BO6? 😛
  11. Assuming you’re jailbroken just made another Apple ID and use store switcher to whatever country you need and use a decrypter app
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