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Posts posted by AceNinjaFire

  1. The app originally installed and ran on my phone (iPhone 7 14.2) I currently have. I originally had to uninstall and reinstall it to deal with the app crashing while attempting to Download & Install an app from the marketplace.

    However, after trying to reinstall It again I got the “this phone is not activated to install this app”  page. And when I try to activate it by visiting “activate.iosgods.com” I get the same page. 

    Ive searched through the faq and the forums and cannot find one mention on how to activate my phone to my account again. To reiterate this is the phone I used originally to install App+, but for some reason the website thinks I’ve changed phones.

    Who can I contact to remedy my issue? I’m at a complete loss on what to do.

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