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  1. strejda603's post in How to change string in UITableViewLabel? was marked as the answer   
    I finally find out how to do it! It maybe isn't "the best" method, but it works...
    %hook UITableViewLabel /*or class you want to change*/ -(void) setText:(NSString *)arg1 { if ([arg1 isEqualToString:@"Original string"]){ %orig(@"Changed string"); } else { %orig; } } %end  
  2. strejda603's post in Block Jailbreak detection was marked as the answer   
    Try Shadow tweak...
  3. strejda603's post in Where I can find the original (not modded) .IPA files was marked as the answer   
    You can try to search your app on appdb, but I'm afraid that because of security reasons it's not possible to just overwrite installed app... You have to uninstall the old one first..
  4. strejda603's post in iOS Code Injection on IPA was marked as the answer   
    Theos (jailed version)
    1. Download and install theos-jailed
    2. Download .deb file of tweak, you want to implement (i.e. using Cydownload)
    3. Extract and decrypt the app (Using CrackerXI+ on jailbroken device, or try to find ipa on Google) targeted by that .deb tweak. Save as a .ipa
    3. Unpack the .deb file, using the command "dpkg-deb -x file.deb destination"
    4. Create a new Theos project with the "jailed" template, using the decrypted .ipa
    5. Copy the unpacked tweak at "destination/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/tweak-name.dylib" to the root folder of your project, replacing "tweak-name" with the name of the tweak you downloaded
    6. Add "TWEAK_NAME_INJECT_DYLIBS = tweak-name.dylib" (without quotes) to the top of your Makefile
    7. Make package
    Now, theos should generated tweaked .ipa for you and then you just sideload it using Cydia Impactor or sign it via 3rd party services (or using your own Apple Developer Certificate ) and install to your device...
    ... these tutorials should help you
  5. strejda603's post in How to create theos custom variables? was marked as the answer   
    I have found a solution for it!
    I had to put this code inside "control.pl" in my theos template:
    use DateTime; NIC->variable("DATECREATED") = DateTime->now->strftime('%d/%m/%Y');  
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