All, long story short. I used to use the non-jailroken hack from the iosGods app+ And all was great! Then I was able to jailbreak my 11pro max and installed the jailbroken hack version of the game where you have in game hack menu. Now when I load the game, it loads to my house and as soon as I try to move character it freezes. I can do everything except my my character (craft, open backpack, eat, drink). I deleted the hacked app, redownloaded unhacked AppStore version, same out come. 2 questions:
1: I can’t find where to install the jailbroken in game hack version anymore. can someone share the link please?
2: if I go to my iPad and open the App Store version and it does the same thing (iPad never jailbroken), is my gamecenter save now corrupt? Or can I fix it if I download the in game hack menu version again and turn everything off?
please help. Thanks