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Posts posted by Aquadrop9669

  1. On 5/21/2019 at 3:54 AM, Zahir said:

    That will depend on your confidence. If you're in a class, go talk to some girls, ask them for something or some question. Just try to make casual conversation with your girl-friends in class first.

    Also I am not sure if you're trolling me but usually from experience, I was super nervous in replying back, I lost myself the first time lol. So it wasn't that great for me. But as the more you talk, it becomes like how you talk to your guy friends.


    Wow people are actually helping me I’m going to get to know her better and do the best that I can to not make it weird

  2. So this girl said she’s into me and I’m super happy I hope things work out  any thoughts on what to do cuz I’m freaking out

    Love you me

    Aww thanks me

  3. I really enjoy this site but unfortunately I am new and don’t know how to post help please


    I’m just not very smart some clarification would be awesome










    I love girls a lot

    mmmmmm WOMEN

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