The Husky has been added in the new update(1.12) and some people do not know where to find it, I mean you can buy it but who wants to spend their money to get a husky. So their is ONLY ONE WAY TO GET IT. and this method requires some work.
1.(ONLY FREE METHOD) You should know what a watch tower is in Last day on earth, it is a tower if you bring a generator it will unlock an area, and this is very important to get the Husky because it is in the snow places, so yo would need a generator to get to the snow place( Thanks to the Last day on Earth hack this is easy to get the generator). You place the generator at the tower like that. BE CAREFUL A HORDE WILL COME AFTER THIS SO RUN!
Lets keep going after opening the snow area you are now ready to get your first Husky go to the HARDEST SNOW PLACE because you have higher chances to get it in harder snow places. If you can not find it try again go somewhere else and come back over and over and then once it will appear it is PRETTY RARE. I hope this helped you find a husky. Thank you and I hope this helps you.