I received an email that advised me that my 3 months VIP subscription has been automatically renewed and paid for. When I signed up to try it, 3 months ago, I read the ViP Terms & Conditions - Changes in the ViP System and paragraph 7 of the conditions states “Once your subscription expires, no automatic renewals will be performed unless you specifically told the system to do so.”
I never told the system to auto-renew, I guess that option is automatically turned on when an user 1st subscribes to VIP. Moreover, I had a really hard time finding where in my profile I can turn off or cancel the VIP option. I finally found it, but even though I am 2 days ahead of my auto-renewal date, I cannot cancel the upcoming subscription. Can you please help me with that? I didn’t really use the VIP subscription for the 1st 3 months I had because of lack of time and this situation won’t change for the next few months, so I would like the March 2nd renewal canceled please.
I really appreciate your team’s work, so I will probably renew it when I won’t have as many family illness related responsibilities as I do now and more time to relax and play games
thank you!