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    iPhone Xs Max
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  1. Banned for 5 mins then banned for 1 week after only starting to playing one game. Liberty and Abypass both activated.
  2. Ya I have 11 pro max and mines freezes when using combined multiple moves. 🤷‍♂️
  3. Hack is undetected! But for some reason, the advance controller option is not working; weapons won't fire. Only basic option works.
  4. Damn. That's a dead end for me then. Can't checkrain my iPhone 11 😅
  5. Yup same. I tried all possible combinations: Liberty + abypass Abypass only Liberty only Choicy with Kern libert abypass, etc...
  6. Looks like we'll need a better bypass. 2 of my accounts just got 10 yrs. Uncover. Kern. Choice and liberty.
  7. Ahm so the login for the hack doesn't even show up. The game just starts normally with no hack. Is there any other additional steps now with the update???
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