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Posts posted by Nathan2013371

  1. Well wouldn’t it be better to have say a 1 month waiting period from registering a account rather than spam some messages ? Or am I missing something ? 

    Im not taking nothing away from the app it’s great always worked well for me I just don’t fully understand how it’s better to spam messages than wait a time period.

  2. I’m guessing many people like me have found this app and thought it was great free modded games with registration which was great I thought I had finally found a good app that works well and with little hassle. I’m sure a lot of people have made accounts and not spoke in the chats or anything then there was a download limit for (newbies) which I think is terrible there should be a time limit having a account or something instead of posts or even feeling like you have to buy VIP to get access again a lot of people don’t want to spend money on games or some people are just antisocial and don’t like talking. To me it’s like your trying to get more people to buys VIP memberships which is lame if you ask me personally. I feel like it should be based on the length of time you have had a account registered instead of posts or spending money.. 


    just my opinion  

  3. I have had my account for around 2 months 25th march to be exact but I’m unable to download games because it’s been stopped for new members I have been here for nearly 2 months I’m wondering how much time i have to have had my account active to be able to download again ?

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