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  1. Hey guys, I was just recently playing the game Infinity Blade 3 and I really wanted a hack but I saw that most of the hacks that were working up to date were either not reachable to download or required ifile. I recently discover this hack not long ago while testing any type of game mod I could come across, It's called Game Gen which can be got by the cydia source Big Boss, it should have already be in cydia when you jailbroke your idevise. *This is not my cheat engine* So basically all you have to do to get as many Gems,health, and money as you want you simply have to---> 1) finish the tutorial 2) go into game gem and at the top right corner select the first icon and click on infinity blade 3 (game must be open) 3) Go back into the game input and search the amount of gems,health, or money that you have *for health you must be In a battle* 4)after you have searched it, go back in game and start a new battle, after you finished that battle search again in Game Gem the new amount of money you have, you should get 1 or 2 results you will want to modify both of those to a small number just in case that they aren't the right ones for example if you have 600 modify it to 1000, if you see that the value has changed go back into game gem and recharge that number into what even you want, try not to go over 100 million. Hope that I wasn't to confusing on how to do it, this is my first time posting, sorry if advance if this isn't is the correct place to post it.
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