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  • Jailbroken
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    HTC One M8
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  1. +1, if it is possible for this game.
  2. Try tapping on the little red iosGods icon and then dismissing the box. Should pop up the keyboard after that.
  3. Is it safe to say that over 2 years later and now version 1.41 that this game won't get a hack? Or just not enough requests yet to look into it?
  4. See @Peace Frog's posts in this thread, I think it will answer your question too.
  5. So is this article and instructions just BS? https://igeeksradar.com/jailbreak-ios-11-3-iphone-ipad-update/
  6. Is there a favorite x64 ipad to jailbreak or are they all basically the same?
  7. Bummer! Not unreasonable, but still a bummer. I guess we'll have to finally trade up!
  8. Any idea if we will get x32 support in this next update?! Or, if that is only possible on the VIP side, let us know!
  9. lol, yeah I saw that on the last update day. Was still hoping maybe someone's definition of "a few hours" was just a little longer than mine!
  10. Thank you for the reply! With the new update to both the game and hack (1.8.4) none of the options work and the game crashes whenever loading into a new zone. I had downgraded using App Admin to 1.8.3 and reloaded the 1.8.3 hack. The only thing that worked was the item duplication, but it at least made the game bearable. Unfortunately now they apparently won't let the game load without the 1.8.4 udpate, so I am SoL.
  11. @DiDA Are there still plans to have x32 supported? Or do we troglodytes have to upgrade to a x64 device.
  12. 3 finger tap doesn't do anything for me either. However, I can see the little iosGods icon on the right middle edge of the screen. Tapping that brings up the menu. Tapping the title bar hides it again. Hope that helps!
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