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  1. I was talking on the android forum and some guy told me he was talking to the developer and to pm him myself. I did and the message on the OP is what I received (didn't even get a yeet, but whatever). This is the actual developer so I will be taking it down. Goodbye everyone!
  2. EX isn't the only mode that's being watched. I'd recommend to stop cheating now if you care for your account.
  3. I updated the scripts, but they don't seem to be working currently. Doing some more testing but i have plans later today so might be delayed even more, sorry.
  4. Sorry guys I was feeling Ill today so It took me a while to get up. I'm updating the mod rn. Its the same MEGA link.
  5. And I'm closing it again. Everyone blame this guy. /s
  6. Thread is back up. People are posting things in the other forum that are inciting to much drama.
  7. Man how'd you find out! Edit: I'm putting it back up because there is some serious drama going on over there. Mods claiming he deleted the thread, he claiming they deleted it. Whatever. New deletion policy in original post.
  8. If you have the mega link, I've updated it one more time. Don't really plan on updating it more though. Author of the original android thread said it was taken down by the mods without notice, so I assume they will crack down more on that.
  9. Brutal profile picture. I feel unclean again. Going to have to remove the mod now. /s
  10. Whack! Does the game still works without cheats?
  11. Hm, I never actually tested this batch. Ill try it out and get back to you. Edit: Works fine for me, try re-installing or re-downloading the scripts. If it still f***s up give me your device info and map you're running.
  12. En scripts still work. This is the thread I talk about in my post. En is not updated, I will update the kr scripts when I get home.
  13. Huh? They are there in the folder? I also don't make the cheat, I'm just publishing it. If you really want I could probably make cool down standalone, although I don't really care enough as you can just use god mode .
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