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  1. @RookCan you please update to 5.1.0. Thank you
  2. @Rooknew update came out when you get a chance can you update pls Are you using unc0ver?
  3. I think It it Has to do with it Uncover using substitute.
  4. @Rookcan you update pls. Not able to use the request update button I is grayed out.
  5. You can’t use unlimited mana in pvp. Only the +attack and +defense works. That also only works about half the time in pvp.
  6. @Rookwill you be able to update the cheat to the current version still?
  7. I set dmg to 1.99 if you go over 2 your new kid attack get messed up. Def I go from 2.24 to 3.24
  8. The add/freeze keys will work sometimes but you will get stuck on that screen a lot of the time. The unlimited mana does not work in pvp just pve. It will show you have unlimited mana but you really don’t and you will get the error 200. The + dmg/def only works some of the time, I think it only does when you are hosting the game. To check if it is working switch on unlimited mana and see if your mana goes to 10. If it does turn it off and just leave +dmg/def on. If it does not go to 10 mana, turn everything off. i do this on every game.
  9. From what i have read cydia Substrate will not work with unc0ver. You have to use checkra1n.
  10. Yea a lot of game tweaks only work with cydia substrate
  11. It has never worked on unc0ver for me. It should work on checkra1n. You can download bootra1n to use a usb to jailbreak. Here is the link to bootra1n the instructions are there and very easy. https://github.com/foxlet/bootra1n
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