I think hands down if they were to add ‘more’ features / non-jb hacks / apps for VIP ONLY, they should consider making the price a little lower. I mean the price isn’t too bad as we speak but I can guarantee that myself and definitely others would invest in VIP if it was something like £7.99 a month. Or maybe even a much bigger choice of VIP such as a weekly free subscription just to see what we receive, or maybe even a weekly subscription for something like £3.99?
But this should realistically only be introduced when the VIP is worth it per se. As of right now nothing really interests me enough to get the VIP? If they were to maybe add a ‘custom hack’ feature for a certain price? So request a game and the hacks for the game just the way YOU want it and pay a certain price so that it gets prioritised above other ‘non-paid’ requests? Yes it would be unfair on others but obviously everyone needs to make money.
Or perhaps have a time-line of sorts on the app to show which apps are being worked on at the moment? Im sure someone might go on the app, see nothing they like, and never come back. But if they see that their favourite game is being worked on and will probably be available next week, they might look at other games just to kill the time until their favourite game is being released.