Hi, I’m sorry if this isn’t where this post should go, I’m fairly new to iOSGods and I’m very new to the forum. I have an iPhone 8 Plus that’s running iOS 12.1.4, (may update to 12.2 tonight unless told not to) and I’ve never jailbroken before. I’ve been using iOSGods and things like it for about a year now, but I’m kind of nervous to jailbreak due to, since it’s me, I’ll probably mess my phone up somehow. I feel like it will be beneficial for me though since things get revoked and I end up losing things, or it’s not quite the hacks I want, if you will. Once again, sorry if I should be posting in this forum, I’m just wondering if I should? Also, if I do jailbreak, when things get revoked for iOSGods, will it revoke things I downloaded or jailbroke (or whatever the right terminology is)?
Thank you.