Rarevision VHS Lite: Retro Cam (https://apps.apple.com/se/app...tro-cam/id1087259990?l=en-GB) has a decreasing timer of how long youre allowed to record that im trying to patch. I’ve tried removing the timer for now for a while, but I just can’t get the timer to stop going down.
Steps I’ve taken are:
Finding the timer address. However, it changes every time (dynamic?), and it resets back to 60 seconds after an app restart.
I’ve also found the function (?) by using IGDebugger (0x26330), but when I tried searching for it in IDA, it didn’t work. I’m stumped.
My goal is to either:
freeze the timer
nullify the timer (-1+1=0 decrease)
add like 20 years to it
Any help or advice? The solution needs to work across app restarts.