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Community Answers

  1. KMFO's post in Making Aimbot And ESP For iOS Games was marked as the answer   
    You may want to check out the tutorial forums . They have all the programs and hacking methods you’ll need. Starting with this thread may help
    Hope this helps!
    Im right there with ya btw. Trying to learn hacking iOS currently and it’s a lot 
    Also Coding Center: https://iosgods.com/forum/48-coding-center/
  2. KMFO's post in I need advices about jailbreaking or not on my device was marked as the answer   
    Hey man, so yes it is kinda true that it makes older phones slower. It’s not slower by an extreme amount and you shouldn’t notice anything being a ton slower. As far as jailbreaking, I have a jail broken phone and love it way more than when it wasn’t jail broken. You just have to make sure you watch video tutorials on how to do it correctly so you don’t mess anything up. It’s quite simple nowadays to jailbreak and allows for you to fully use your phone and fully customize to the way you want it and also this is very important. If you do end up jailbreaking DO NOT update to the most recent iOS. If you do it will be a pain to downgrade to a previous iOS so just don’t update if you do want to jailbreak. Hope this helps!
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