First off i’d Like to thank you, iOSGods, for creating this Last Day on Earth Hack. This hack has helped me a lot through the game and has gotten me far without much problems. Around updates 1.6, in my opinion this hack thrived. It had everything right without problems. We are in the 1.9.x of this hack now and there seem to be quite a few problems that I’d like to address to hopefully make this hack a lot more enjoyable for everyone.
1. High Integers. The integers are too damn high! Whenever I spend gold to make gold it doubles! Say you have 10,000 gold and you decide to replenish your energy for 25 gold. You’ll then have 20,050. Now it’s not a problem but just you wait until you have 100,000 or even a million. Seeing that much gold to me is an eyesore. I remember once instead of doubling the gold, you’d get back the amount you spent for example, you have 10,000 gold and replenish your energy; you would then have 10,025. We need this back! Also, the only way to get rid of excess gold is to speed production of crafting, KEEP THIS.
2. Again, High Integers! This problem revolves around the skill points. Every skill point spent, instead of receiving the lost amount, you double up on skill points. I have an ungodly amount of skill points to the point where it’s 45.xxxxxxxx. Really annoying to see
3. Inbox issues. There are only a handful of non-stackable items that are such as firearms and melees that can be retrieved from the inbox without them disappearing to basically have an infinite amount. This only works with the Machete and the Gold Club. Once you withdraw a weapon from the inbox it won’t be there again removing the ability to have it forever. It’ll be nice to have this back, had the suppressed sniper and I now don’t have it there.
4. Easy Finalization. I don’t know if you intentionally removed this but It no longer works. For example, to finish the acid bath, at least 2 connection rods were needed to make it jump to 10. Now you actually need 10 which makes life in Last Day on Earth difficult again. If possible, bring this back but it also has the integers problem but it was all okay after the game was closed and re-opened.
These are really the only problems I could think of that bother me and possibly some other players. The rest of the problems like the in-app purchase hack is understandable as to why it was removed. The issue with the rapid fire everything mod is perfected now too so thank you for that! I hope iOSGods see this!