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  1. https://imgur.com/a/0xd4WZC Don't bother waiting on this one guys, Cygames already taking actions against hacks/mods
  2. I won't specify the source. I knew someone who's working in Cygames and they're already monitoring all the famous hack/mod forums very closely. They already have ban hammer ready against those who somehow managed to hack this game. So yeah there ya go, up to you whether to believe it or not
  3. Sorry to disappoint you guys but this game cannot be hacked. Even if there's a 0.1% chance this game can be hack you'll get banned right away anyways... So just play fair, this is a wonderful game..
  4. Start the game with "no skill cooldown only" ipa first and clear the tutorial until u can connect to FB. Then overwrite ur ipa with "no attack" ipa
  5. Yes @DiDA the "No Attack" is working properly, please don't remove it. You just need to get the fastest toon which is Korath (4th skill fully upgraded) then the no attack will work. If facing opponent's Korath then pray for 50/50 chance.
  6. I always got Error "Invalid wallet earned" whenever i finished a task and will go back to home screen. Why is that??
  7. @DiDA please update to v1.6.9 thanks!
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