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  1. Hey n0nick thanks for this it works, i used reprovision to install it on ip xs max 14.3 taurine jb
  2. I think theres a problem on your .ipa itself, it doesn’t work. On your method it doesn’t work, altsore it doesn’t work, reprovision doesn’t work. Try to check your .ipa that you upload no body here has a success rate on downloading the app. Thanks
  3. Thank you for your responce I’m on iphone xs max 14.3 jailbroken with taurine, appsync unified latest and installed via reprovision reborn. The app was installed but when i open the rokkr app it just a black screen and closes right away
  4. Hi i tried to download it by your instructions but it doesn’t work it says this app cant be installed the integrity of this app cant be verified, also tried on reprovision appsync also installed xs max 14.3. App installed but black screen and closes out
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