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    iPhone 13 Pro Max
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  1. This version isn’t working for freezing the energy @iOSGods App Bot edit: had to turn the freezing option on, thanks!
  2. I got a new iPhone 15 Pro Max, currently running iOS 18.0 beta, I downloaded Travel Town and it keeps getting stuck at 37% on the loading screen. I have restarted app, restarted phone, deleted and reinstalled and also factory reset my device. I had an iPhone 13 Pro Max on iOS 18.0 and it was working fine. How can I fix this?
  3. I got a new iPhone 15 Pro Max and reinstall Travel Town but can’t get past the loading screen. Everytime I open it gets stuck on 37% and won’t go any further. I have restarted app, restarted phone, deleted and reinstalled as well as factory reset my phone. any ideas what could be causing this?
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