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ViP Jailed
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  1. I test freeze currencies on upgraded skill and got ban 😂 and it’s on 1 hero only 😭.Best don’t touch this guy 👌🏻
  2. It work fine for me with Sideloadly event I’m on iOS 17.6
  3. Thanks!!gotta try to amass golds to upgrader all gears and skill now before they update the game again 😂.
  4. Oh,saw that Tien has also add Freeze currency,maybe this cause crash?
  5. My game crash when open,i install it with sideloadly,not sure why 😭😭
  6. Theres a big update on game,would be nice if u can Update the hack,please 😂👍
  7. Tips for unilimited Golds,Dust and Emblems with with 4x for those that dont know yet… 1.when produced Troops in Barack,cancel the process and u get back 4x the materials used.This way u get unlimited Dust and Golds. 2.At talent tree,upgrader it to 6/14 and reset,u get back 4x emblems from normal game and then 4x of it with hack,so we kind of get back like 16x from normal game upgrader.It cost 250 gems each time,but wortht the emblems we get back.More than 6/14 will likely get us sync error. Im not sure if this get us ban,for me it work fine and not ban yet. Do it at your own risk. If any 1 got a tricks to share,please post it so we all can benefits. 😂😂😂
  8. well,its 4x rewards now and a little sync error here and there worth the time. I encounter that some of the sync error can happen today,but next day its gone. Claim the last quest reward is error. Dragon pass claim also error,Clan war reward also error,Ancient Victory reward also error.And some other small claim. But its worth the time since we get 4x when buy Troops coins and shards from arena and other shop.
  9. Ya,i got my game syncs with Game Center. I delete appstore version,then install the hack from app+ with normal install,Not custom and dont change anything. And it syncs with GC.I couldnt sync it when i install with sideloading. Its with app+,i did the same with Guardian Wars and can also login and syncs with apple login too. Not sure if it work for normal iosgods app.im using APP+
  10. If you install it with iosgods app or app+,you can sign in and switch between hack and appstore version.
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