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Posts posted by Mexicancat

  1. 14 hours ago, KeN98 said:

    In TIGI software source Install Apps Manager then Install Idid for Apps Manager to be able to wipe your apps data.

    so I got ldid and filza as it says I need to use filza to install ldid. I don't see anything to install ldid when opening with filza. I checked the apps manager anyway to see if maybe it worked, and still nothing. again I rly don't have much experience with this stuff so please bare with me if I sound like a goof :') Thanks for the reply!

  2. I’m kinda new to this, but I accident added too many gems which I’ve now seen in a previous post in 2020 that adding too many gets you banned. I tried using tigi software as someone suggested and tigi isn’t allowing me to even see the applications to wipe episode. I’m not really sure what to do. Pls help lol 

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