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  1. dont use the hack brutally and you'll be safe
  2. hello, i just find a new way to by pass the emulator detected 1. download buildprop editor from playstore in ldplayer 2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ux5XAfTB2oxm24Plw5GAKYHJ2yZ7qKg5/view download that 3. open the buildprop editor, click on the pencil button (next to the search botton) 4. open the notes from step 2 5. compare the notes from step 2 and step 3. replace it one by one with the notes in step 2. make sure you go all the way down. 6. dont forgot to save it, and restart your ldplayer it will not makes you got banned. We're not changing the game data, but only the ldplayer data. Hope it will work for you guys
  3. bro, does the wallhack actually work on emulator? if yes, can you give me the step?
  4. hello, im using 1060 gtx, but why my pubg in ldplayer are so lagging?
  5. am i wrong? im following your step, then im choosing the guest option for playing. and..... got banned before making a new character
  6. Wow thankyou very much ??☺️
  7. Using ldplayers, im download the pubg from the playstore, download the gameguardian, then open it, open pubg, in tencent logo bypass. And when want to login, theres a notification youve been banned for 3650 days.. and also im try to use the pubg mod apk, and the same things happen to me .. could you help me?
  8. Why i still got banned? Im using a new id with ldplayer and gameguardian, i allready bypass the game, but also got banned.
  9. Ooo i see, bcs im using the same id where i play in ios with dida’s hacks, and play in the emulator with gg. So if i only play with emulator and gg, ill not get banned?
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